I’m so excited about this new company! We have all seen foods and diets that are heart healthy. There are cleanses to flush out toxins from your kidneys, colon, and liver. What about the brain? Have you seen anything advertised for a healthy brain diet?? I haven’t. We could all use some brain food!

Your brain works throughout your life to control all of your body’s functions and help you understand and interact with the world around you. For instance, if you place your hand on a hot stove, your brain tells your hand to move before you even realize what you’ve done. If our brains are not getting the proper nutrition, then our reaction time might not be up to par.
What is Brain Food?
The human brain is made up of about 60% fat tissue. Of that, 30% is Omega 3 fat. Foods that are high in Omega 3 includes cold water fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel. Nuts, seeds, and plant oils are also a good source of Omega 3 fats. Now that you have that information, how much Omega 3 do you think you actually get in your diet daily? My guess is not enough.
Our diets consist of more and more processed foods every day. Its faster, its simple to make, and our kids will most likely eat it more than the organic stuff. But processed foods lack in the nutrients we need and actually put unnecessary chemicals in our bodies. Our brains needs supplements!
Velovita For the Win!
MISSION: Provide an ecosystem of inspiration, education, and life enrichment. Our focus is to increase your daily performance both mentally and physically.

Velovita is a company that believes a healthy brain changes lives! This brain food contains 16 nutrients blended together for long-lasting energy boosts and mood enhancers. It also helps your body burn glucose and stored body fat!!
The results of this Brain Food is unmatched!
Are you ready to see how Velovita can change the way you get through the day? Visit our website and get your Brain Food Today!! If you would like more information on how to make some money by referring your friends and family Click HERE
For other Healthy Options, Click Here and see other online deals!